Managed by Mahagujarat Medical Society, Nadiad

College Road, NADIAD-387001.    Phone: 0268-2521500 Email: dpcninfo@yahoo.com www.dpcn.org.in

Library Feedback Form

Please tick mark ( √ ) in appropriate box.

Sr.No. Questions Scale
1 Existing library rules and regulations. Highly satisfiedSatisfiedNot satisfied
2 Availability of books, journals, magazine and newspapers. Highly satisfiedSatisfiedNot satisfied
3 Quality of books and journals available. Highly satisfiedSatisfiedNot satisfied
4 Quantity of books and journals available. Highly satisfiedSatisfiedNot satisfied
5 Time taken in transaction of the reading material Highly satisfiedSatisfiedNot satisfied
6 Availability of library staff. Highly satisfiedSatisfiedNot satisfied
7 Co-operation of library staff. Highly satisfiedSatisfiedNot satisfied
8 Availability of reprographic facility. Highly satisfiedSatisfiedNot satisfied
9 Environment in the library. Highly satisfiedSatisfiedNot satisfied

*If not satisfied kindly fill the suggestion for improvement.