Prof. Dr. Virendra Jain
The Nursing Profession is the Noblest of all professions and in immense demand globally, offering a highly rewarding career. The Dinsha Patel College of Nursing has a vision to “achieve synergistic union of knowledge, skills and technology, to be a globally responsive and social conscious institute, committed to grooming highly skilled, innovative professionals by applying latest research evaluations, expert guiding force, hands-on training and optimum usage of resources.” The Dinsha Patel College of Nursing established in the year of 2011, Dinsha Patel College of Nursing aims to train dedicated and expert nurses, capable of contributing towards the development of emerging health care systems in public and private health care organizations, as well as community services. Our Bachelor of Nursing degree course & G.N.M. Programme provides high achieving undergraduate students the opportunity to extend themselves intellectually and clinically, thereby rendering quality care to the general public through our hospital and community services. Our significantly well infrastructured institution imparts high quality professional education to young and aspiring candidates who have dedicated themselves to be efficient nurses and also meet the acute shortage of qualified and skilled nursing manpower, our country is currently facing. Special impetus is given in D.P.C.N. to train students capable of giving comprehensive nursing care, such as promoting preventive, curative and rehabilitative services to the needy. I welcome all the new students and wish them success through their academic journey out of our college as successful nursing professional.